The Dental Salon

Tooth Whitening


While good oral health starts with regular brushing and flossing, you can still wind up with tooth discoloration from a variety of different causes.  Everything from drinking coffee or wine, smoking, or taking certain medications can contribute to giving your teeth a discolored look that can leave you feeling very self-conscious and disconcerted. 

Dr. Francine Jackson of The Dental Salon offers a great solution to this through teeth whitening! As a dentist with over 23 years of experience, she is knowledgeable and compassionate when it comes to helping her patients who are feeling embarrassed about their smiles due to teeth discoloration.  Dr. Jackson offers in-office teeth whitening and at-home teeth bleaching procedures that are far superior to whitening kits that are commercially available. 

Like any other dental procedure, it is vital that you have your whitening or bleaching done by a skilled and experienced Dentist.  You don’t want over-bleaching or harm done to your gums and you will need to make sure that you visit a dentist who is using the proper bleaching agent that is right for your teeth. 

If you are looking for teeth whitening, or have questions or concerns about such a dental procedure, please call The Dental Salon today at (562) 591-4028 or use the contact form to the right of this page.